Hullbridge, Essex

Malyons Lane, Hullbridge .jpg

Landhold Capital assembled this site with four landowners and secured the release of 50 acres of greenbelt land for nearly 100% residential development to the southwest of Hullbridge in Essex.

The site achieved an allocation for residential development in the adopted Core Strategy with masterplanning for a scheme of 500 units, open space and locally needed community facilities. An outline planning application was submitted in 2014 and approved at Committee.

In collaboration with the landowners’ agents (Whirledge and Nott) and Strutt and Parker we implemented our marketing strategy and placed the land on the open market after expiry of the Judicial Review period.

We received significant interest and held formal interviews with 3 PLC housebuilders selecting a preferred bidder in January 2017.

The team of agents and lawyers, on both sides, worked tirelessly to agree contract documentation on what was a relatively complex deal.

We exchanged contracts with Barratt Developments and completed the sale in January 2018. 
